School Level Activity _Respect for law ......................................................................................................................... 1
Teacher’s Section .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Expected OutcomeS ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Activity guidelines ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student’s Section .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Skit 1 Robbery (Order and Security) ...................................................................................................................... 2
Skit 2 Equality before law ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Skit 3 Checks and Balances .................................................................................................................................... 5
Print Section .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Reflection Sheet/worksheet .................................................................................................................................. 7
The concept of Rule of Law is that the state is governed, not by the ruler or
the nominated representatives of the people, but by the law.
The rule of law is a basic concern in the creation of the Constitution.
Constitutional law can only be fully and effectively implemented when the
laws of a country or region, as a whole, are respected by the citizenry and
the Government.
Pic source- http://bunnfactor.com/2017/03/11/respect-of-the-law/
1. Students will understand the value of law and order in their own society.
2. Students will recognize the importance of laws and follow the same with due respect.
3. Students will be able to analyze how the law affects everyday life.
1. Explain the activity to students that today they are going to watch 3 skits comprising three factors
that make up the rule of law. The skits will show what will happen if there were NO rule of law.
2. Divide the class into 3 performing and 3 audience groups (5-6 students) and provide them the skit
script, let the students choose their roles. Ask the performing groups to read and practice for 10-15
minutes. Let the audience group brain storm on what is going to be performed based on the Cause
and Effect sheet given to them.
3. Also, distribute Cause and Effect reflection sheet/worksheet to audience groups in advance and ask
them to fill the same after each skit. Give 5 minutes time for discussion about the skit and 5 minutes
to fill the worksheet.
4. When 1 group performs, other 2 groups can also become the audience.
Scene 1 4 friends are riding a bike after watching the night show. The road is very dark, and there is no
police or security on the road.
Ritik Wow I enjoyed the movie a lot, it was fun. We should plan to watch late night shows during the
Vihaan Yes, it's really fun going out with friends, and it’s relaxing
Sahil But it seems very dark and there is no security on the road, the street lights are also not working.
It is scary, we should reach home before it gets dark. This place is not safe.
Rehan Common Sahil, it's just 1 A.M., and we are 4, don’t worry nothing will happen.
Suddenly 2 robbers start following them and stop them with guns….
Robber 1 Give me all your money.
Vihaan Sorry brother we are students, we don’t have money.
Robber 2 Don’t try to be over smart, can’t you see we have guns.
Ritik Vihaan don’t argue with them, they are robbers.
Rehan So what? (And he starts fighting with them)
Robber 2 (Hits Rehan and holds him at gunpoint). Now better give me all your money, watches, and
jewellery, otherwise, you all will be in trouble.
Sahil No no don’t do anything to Rehan.. please stop.
All 4 give the money, jewellery, and wrist watches to the robbers.
Robber 1 That’s like a smart boy, give us your mobile phones too, and don’t try to follow us!!!
All 4 give their mobile phones to robbers.
The robbers grab the things and run away quickly
Scene 2 (The friends hold their injured friend Rehan looking for help and police).
Sahil Help! Police! (He shouts)
Vihaan There is no police on this road let’s, go ahead, we should find someone for help.
They move ahead on the road. After a few kilometers, they find a police officer.
Ritik Hey, stop, stop, here is the man we are looking for…
Officer, please help us! Someone robbed us and also beat up my friend.
Police officer Who, How, When??? Where is he right now?
Sahil How would we know? They just robbed us and ran away immediately. That is your duty to find
them. Please help us.
Rehan They took all our things, money, mobile everything…
Police Officer Ok, Ok, just wait, let me think about the matter!!!
Ritik Think means what?
Police Officer Hmm I don’t know what I can do even if I catch them now. We don’t have a police station
in the city, we don’t have jails in the city.
All 4 friends Surprisingly!!!! What???? How it could be possible? Who’ll maintain the law and order
then? Who will take care of citizen’s safety?
Police Officer Oh I remember, you can contact the local authority of the city, or you can take them to
the court in the morning. I’ll help you to chase them and catch them.
Sahil What are you saying? Where we’ll put them till then? Does court or authority listen to us?
Rehan - Where is the system? So, are you not going to do anything for us?
Police Officer No you’ll have to solve it yourself.
Scene 1 3 friends talking to each other about the building where construction is going on, and it is illegal
as the builder is constructing 4 storeyed flats. He is a very rich businessman and builder.
Sharma Ji What is happening in our country? Everyone is just taking advantage of money.
Tilak Sahib What happened now? Why you are so worried about Sharma Ji?
Sharma Ji Look at the building near our society, it is illegal, but no one can stop them to build such
unauthorized construction. Who passed the project? Who gave the permission? Sab “Chalta hai”
D’souza – Oh my friend what can we do? This building belongs to Ambalal builders “The great Ambalals”
They have the power and the money. Who’ll stop them? Ministers are all their friends.
Tilak sahib But this building is illegal.
Let us go and talk to the contractor and find out from where they got the permission?
Contractor Hello people!! Can’t you see this is a construction site, and outsiders are not allowed to
Sharma Ji We know Sir! That’s why we came here. We know this construction is not approved and illegal,
how did you manage the permission?
Contractor Haha permissions? What is that? Who will stop us? You, or the Law?
Tilak Sahib Off course Law...
Contractor Law!!! Where he stays, I can’t see him.
D’souza – If you’ll not listen to us, we’ll complain about this.
Contractor Haha! A good one, please go ahead. Hope you all know that we don’t have a local authority
in our city. Even if you want to go to the court, you are welcome as the District Judge is a very close friend
of Ambalal Ji, so please think before you do anything.
Go and complain to whoever you want to complain. See you!!
President talking to some selective MLAs and MPs about the bill that needs to be passed for his close
friend’s business.
President (At his office, instructing the guard) Call my core group of MLAs and MPs.
Guard Sir whom should I call exactly?
President The ones who are sitting in the special office.
Guard OK sir.
The guard calls all selected MLAs and MPs.
MLA 1- Good Morning Sir! How are you? Why this early morning meeting today?
President Please sit, I want to tell you something.
MP 1 Any good news Sir?
President Yes, Yes,… you can say that
MLA 2 We would happy to hear sir, waiting for long for such news
President Actually yesterday Mr. Dohani came to see me, and he wants to start a new business. But one
of our laws is not supporting the business. We need to amend it now.
MP 2 But sir. What is good for us in this proposal?
President Don’t worry he’ll take care of everything
MLA 1 What is the business, Sir? What amendment is required?
President He just wants to start a coal business and wants us to help him avoid conducting safety checks,
as it costs a lot to pass these safety measures.
MP 1 Sounds good! I am sure our gifts will be as big as the law and amendment process of our country.
MLA 2 Wait a minute…How we can do this? We have parliament and process associated with it to pass
the bill or do any amendment.
MLA 1 Why not? President Sir himself is asking to make an amendment, we can. Who’ll stop us?
MP 2 But there is court, justice, somebody might challenge us in the court.
MP 1 Our court.. Haha, let them try! The court is so disorganized. It’ll take years to give a final verdict.
MLA 1 And you guys are not aware that we do not have enough judges. We may as well not have any
judicial branch at all.
President Which makes things a lot easier for us. So, don’t worry. If someone does challenge the
amendment in court, we’ll just do the judge a little favour, if you know what I mean.
MLA 2- Sir what about the voting? Other MPs and MLAs, they can question us.
President What are you talking about? That’s the small work you all need to do as you have got the
chance to be the core members, right?
MP 2 Ok Sir, if you want, we’ll manage.
President Looks good. Can I have the amended law on my table by today evening?
All in one sound Of course, Sir.
President Good, I’ll sign it today.
……………………………………………………………………. End……………………………………………………………………..
Cause and Effect
After each skit, the audience group needs to discuss the skit for 5 minutes. They need to identify the
causes of such cases and also effects. One example is given here for reference.
Skit 1- Order and Security
1. Robbers know that there is no law and
order in the city
1. Crimes are happening in the city, and
there is no control of the police
Skit 2 Equality before Law
1. People have the power of money, and are
above the law
1. They won’t care about Illegal construction
and harm to others
Skit 3 Checks and Balances
1. There are no checks and balances on laws
1. Lawmakers can work for their own benefit